+The Lord be with You!
The 4 Lutheran congregations in Otsego County , New York, have been in ministry together over many decades, in a variety of configurations, but always with the hope of reaching out to our part of God's world, with His love, grace, mercy, peace and joy!
The congregations are (in order of founding):
+Evangelical Lutheran Church (1839), Hartwick Seminary (4 miles south of Cooperstown on State Highway 28)
+Lutheran Church of the Atonement (1903), Oneonta (at the intersection of Center and West Streets, across from Hartwick College)
+St. Matthew Lutheran Church (1915), Laurens (at the north end of the village on Main St.)
+St. John Lutheran Church (1955), West Burlington (4 miles west of Edmeston, near the intersection of State Highways 80 and 51)
Each has a unique history, culture and atmosphere. But all are places of worship, prayer and abiding Christian faith, put into action by our members in their daily lives.
Our Pastor is the Rev. Paul R. Messner, STS. Our Pastor Emeritus is the Rev. Robert Mansbach.
We are member congregations of:
-The Foothills Conference (a 5 county grouping of 16 Lutheran congregations; the Rev. Kenneth Simurro, Dean)
-The Upstate NY Synod (almost all of Upstate and Western NY; headquarters in Syracuse NY; the Rev John Macholz, Bishop)
-The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the largest Lutheran denomination in America; headquarters in Chicago); the Rev Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop)
-The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping the Trinitarian God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.